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An Introduction About The Transnational Divorce in U.K


With the continuous expansion of our foreign-related business, we have received more and more inquiries about transnational marriage cases.

Recently, for the purpose of solving a transnational British divorce case, we conducted a deep communication with a British law firm , Scornik Gerstein LLP. The lawyer of which provided us a brief but precise introduction about the conditions and procedures of transnational British divorce in accordance with the relevant U.K laws.

With the Scornik Gerstein LLP ’s permission,We decided to post this introduction about How to get divorced in U.K on our website . It contains the content about the precondition of filing a divorce petition , the material condition of getting divorced, relevant procedure, time span and the fees charged by the court. We hope that this introduction could help those person who really need it.

The introduction is following:

