Melink Law firm and India's Khurana & Khurana (K&K) Law firm’s cooperate
In June 2019, Melink received an email from Khurana & Khurana (K&K), an Indian law firm, saying they wanted to visit Melink in July and discuss cooperation.Khurana & Khurana (K&K) was established in the year 2007 with an aim of providing cutting edge and high quality consistent End-t
Lawyer Marra won was invited join as Judge of TIMCCE-II
In June 14th 2018, Melink Law firmreceived visits from Mr. Raj Singh Niranjan and Ms. Dr. Rajni Patel. After friendly negotiations, the parties decided to cooperate on the relevant legal business between two countries.At the same time, Ms. Raj Singh Nianjan and Dr. Rajni Patel invited Marra&nb
Melink Law firm and India's TILA Law firm’s cooperate.
In June 14th 2018, Melink Law firm received visits from Mr. Raj Singh Niranjan and Ms. Dr. Rajni Patel, and established a partnership with the TILA Law firm, India.
Melink Law firm and Zulfiqar Advocate & Legal Consultant’s cooperate
In April 2019, the cooperation invitation issued by the Zulfiqar Advocate & Legal Consultant.
Melink Law firm and Panama's P & A Law firm’s cooperate.
In March 2019, the cooperation invitation issued by the Pardini & Asociados Law Firm, Panama.
Melink Law firm and Malaysia's NHA Law firm’s cooperate.
In March 2019, the cooperation invitation issued by the NHA Law Firm, Malaysia.
Melink Law firm and AL-Khurram Trademark & Patent Services’s cooperate
In January 2019, the cooperation invitation issued by the AL-Khurram Trademark & Patent Services.
Melink Law firm and Iran's Rayan Law firm’s cooperate.
Wiselink Law firm and India's KOCHHAR & CO. Law firm’s cooperate
2018年10月,乐川所收到印度孟买KOCHHAR & CO.律师事务所发出的合作邀请。KOCHHAR & CO.拥有200多名律师,是印度领先和最大的公司律师事务所之一。Kochhar&Co.是唯一家提供全面服务的律师事务所。在印度六个主要城市,即:新德里、孟买、班加罗尔、钦奈、古尔加翁和海得拉巴,以及四个海外办事处:迪拜、新加坡
乐川所与巴拿马Pardini & Asociados律师事务所开展合作
2017年12月,乐川所收到巴拿马律师事务所Pardini & Asociados发出的合作邀请,Pardini & Asociados有着35年的历史,拥有丰富的业务经验。Pardini & Asociados专注于国际移民,巴拿马,摩纳哥,圣基茨,多米尼加,格林纳达,安提瓜等国投资居留许可和许可,房地产投资,公司,信托,基金等法律业务。乐川所今后与