Q&As: Register the Computer Software Copyright in China
Q: Where is the registration authority for computer software copyright registration in China?
Which court to find in Shanghai about intellectual property dispute?
Recently, Melink Law Firm received a client commission, acting for a computer software copyright dispute case. For this case, which court is in charge is the first problem to be solved. Due to the complexity of the jurisdictional links between various disputes relating to intellectual property rights, the intersection of entity and procedural issues, and the fragmented provisions on the jurisdiction of intellectual property dispute cases in various regions, especially foreign-related cases. Therefore, understanding the jurisdiction of such cases is the primary task to undertake such cases. If the court is incorrectly positioned, the plaintiff may be challenged by the defendant, and the duration of the entire case will be extended, the damage will continue to expand. As a defendant, if the court is not found to have no jurisdiction in a timely manner, the right to challenge will be lost once entry into the proceedings.
The IP Court of Supreme Court of PRC was established on Jan. 1st, 2019
On January 1st, 2019, the IP Court of the Supreme Court of PRC was established in Beijing, China.
一、闲扯篇轰轰烈烈的双十一刚刚过去。目之所及,好像每个人多少都买了的点东西,即使什么也不需要的,买点干果啃一啃吧,反正可以放很久。总之,马云在朋友圈时而变成败家娘们儿,时而变成吸血鬼。相信很多人都看过这个段子,安慰人的时候,外国人说,you need cry, dear;中国人说:有你的快递。艾玛,效果是一样一样
一、闲扯篇“一去二三里,烟村四五家;亭台六七座,八九十朵花”~~读读小诗,回忆一下上一次发布公众号的时间。额,那居然是在四月底,好吧,小川律师的公众号是“一去二三月,文章四五篇;读者六七位,八九十点赞”~~风中已凌乱。But, 没啥关系,谁叫咱狮子座的大猫心大着呢......眼见中秋将近,石榴、梨
3月底,本所代理的荷兰某保险公司诉国内某码头经营人港口作业纠纷顺利结案。该案由青岛海事法院管辖,案件的关键要点在于:1.保险代位权的确认;2. 码头经营人的法律地位,是独立合同缔约人,还是承运人的代理人,雇用人?是否享受承运人责任限制和时效抗辩?3. 货物损失的认定。经过数次开庭,本所律师完成了相关举证,并
小川律师说法----民法总则的新变化 关系你我他